PAPT 付款方式按揭

PAPT 付款方式按揭


因應我們的積極參與,葉謝鄧律師行已經使用 PAPT 處理超過 300 筆按揭貸款交易,擁有PAPT交易新付款安排豐富的經驗。


查詢按揭/PAPT按揭 查看客戶好評

按揭‧轉按‧PAPT轉按‧贖樓(優惠: 包按揭契‧贖樓契)

本律師行已使用 PAPT 處理超過 300 筆按揭貸款
  • 買樓 (包按揭契)
  • 賣樓 (包贖樓契)
  • 買一手樓 $4900(1000萬以下樓價)
  • 轉按 $4500 (包贖樓契)包括選擇 PAPT
  • 贖樓 $1800


注意 : 我們不做DBS按揭和贖樓
快速預約/查詢 : 樓宇 查看客戶好評

Payment Arrangements for Property Transactions (PAPT)付款方式按揭


1: 支付安排與物業交易

總覽: 本文件探討了香港銀行公會(HKAB)於2022年7月20日宣布的「物業交易支付安排」(PAPT)計劃,並得到了香港金融管理局(HKMA)的支持。

2: PAPT 的目的

加強保護: PAPT 旨在提高住宅按揭客戶的保護水平,減少授權機構(AIs)在按揭交易中面臨的風險。

3: 支付過程的轉變

過渡法律事務所: PAPT 旨在將住宅物業交易中的資金轉移做法,從法律事務所的客戶帳戶轉向直接銀行對銀行的轉帳。

4: 試點計劃擴展

成功試驗: 在今年第二季度由選定的銀行成功進行了試點計劃後,HKAB 擴大了 PAPT 計劃,向所有提供住宅按揭貸款的持牌銀行提供了這一選擇。

5: 實施直接銀行對銀行轉帳

貸款款項轉移: 在 PAPT 下,當選擇進行按揭再融資交易時,貸款款項將直接從再融資按揭機構(RMI)在貸款提取日通過清算所自動轉帳系統(CHATS)轉至原按揭機構(OMI)。

超額貸款款項處理: 如果再融資按揭貸款超過現有按揭貸款的未償還金額(即有現金提取部分),則 RMI 會將超額款項存入借款人的帳戶。相反,剩餘款項將由借款人通過銀行本票或從其帳戶中扣除支付。

6: 準備和溝通

按揭銀行的責任: 提供住宅物業貸款的按揭銀行必須為 PAPT 做好準備,包括向客戶解釋其特點,進行運營調整,與律師事務所合作,進行系統測試,員工培訓以及客戶溝通計劃。

準備時間表: HKAB 提供了一個時間表,以指導按揭銀行的準備工作,他們應該按照該時間表進行。

7: 評估和潛在改進

設定采納目標: 鼓勵按揭銀行在參加 PAPT 試點計劃的前六個月內設定采納目標。此後,他們將評估使用情況和經驗。

持續改進: HKMA 預期,在使用 PAPT 進行按揭再融資交易的操作經驗可能導致對 PAPT 的處理和程序進行改進,以確保其在行業中的有效性。

1: Introduction to Payment Arrangements for Property Transactions (PAPT)

Overview: This document discusses the Payment Arrangements for Property Transactions (PAPT) initiative introduced by the Hong Kong Association of Banks (HKAB) and supported by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) on July 20, 2022.

2: Purpose of PAPT

Enhanced Protection: The PAPT is designed to enhance protection for residential mortgage customers and reduce risks faced by Authorized Institutions (AIs) involved in mortgage transactions.

3: Shift in Payment Process

Transition from Law Firms: It seeks to transition the practice of transferring funds in residential property transactions from law firms' client accounts to direct bank-to-bank transfers.

4: Pilot Run Expansion

Successful Trials: Following successful pilot runs by selected banks in the second quarter of the year, HKAB has expanded the PAPT initiative to all licensed banks offering residential mortgage loans.

5: Implementation of Direct Bank-to-Bank Transfers

Loan Proceeds Transfer: Under the PAPT, when adopting direct bank-to-bank transfers for mortgage refinancing transactions, the loan proceeds are transferred directly from the refinancing mortgage institution (RMI) to the original mortgage institution (OMI) through CHATS on the loan drawdown day.

Excess Loan Amount Handling: If the refinancing mortgage loan exceeds the outstanding amount of the existing mortgage loan, the RMI credits the excess amount to the borrower's account. Conversely, remaining balances are settled by the borrower through a cashier's order or debit from their account.

6: Preparation and Communication

Mortgage Banks' Responsibilities: Mortgage Banks offering residential property loans must prepare for the PAPT, including explaining its features to customers, making operational adjustments, engaging with solicitor firms, conducting system testing, staff training, and customer communication plans.

Timeline for Preparation: HKAB has provided a timeline to guide Mortgage Banks in their preparations, which they are expected to follow.

7: Assessment and Potential Refinements

Setting Adoption Targets: Mortgage Banks are encouraged to set adoption targets for the first six months of joining the PAPT pilot run. After this period, they will assess usage and gained experience.

Continuous Improvement: HKMA anticipates that operational experience with the PAPT may lead to refinements in its processing and procedures, ensuring its effectiveness in the industry.

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